On-Site Wastewater Treatment, Disposal, Recycling


Specializing in Wastewater Treatment Systems greater than 10,000 litres per day which cannot be connected to municipal sewers.

Effluent Recirculation Tank

Project Profiles

Husky Oil On-Site Treatment and Reuse

Green Schools


General Wastewater Profile 

Mount Elgin Wastewater Treatment Plant




Ontario's Green Schools Pilot Initiative (Summer 2012 Influent Magazine)

Wastewater reuse/recycling treatment systems (Toilet Flushing, Landscape Watering, Washwater)

Wastewater Links

Ontario On-Site Wastewater Association

Ontario Association of Sewage Industry

Septic Smart


Ontario Building Code

Well Records

On-Site Effluent Disposal Systems  
Alternative Sewage Collection Systems (STEG, STEP, Small Diameter Collection Networks)